
The Concept of Personal Identity

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Personal Identity in philosophy refers to a person’s self-perception, ones belief about who they are and how they differ form others. Locke and Hume both share their ideas about Personal identity and although they might both drastically differ they are still both puzzling. Locke’s theory on personal identity has to do with what make a person the same person over time, and to Locke remaining the same person doesn’t necessarily mean remaining the same physically. “For, since consciousness always accompanies thinking, and it is that which makes every one to be what he calls self, and thereby distinguishes himself from all other thinking things, in this alone consists personal identity”(53). He believes that personal identity and consciousness go hand in hand, he thinks personal identity is conceived through ones awareness of current thoughts and actions. You are who you are because of your thoughts and memories. Locke believes that the only accommodation that should be encountered in order for a person to still have their identity is the awareness of past experiences. They must be able to remember there past experiences in order for them to preserve their identity. Locke discusses the possibility of two forms having the same consciousness. He claims that these two forms, because they have the same memories, experiences, and consciousness must be the same person. Locke’s is trying to tell us that a person can indeed inhabit two different men. An objection to Locke’s view

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