
The Consequences Of Marriage In Regency England

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Marriage was a self-contradicted idea in Regency England. It secured a woman’s financial security and social importance, but at the same time, her legal and financial rights went straight from her father to her husband (Ray 131). A highly sought after marriage was one that had both equal finances and social class (Lathan). The real question is: How did people in Regency England get married, and what all went into the process? The four main steps to getting married in Regency England are coming out, courting, engagement, and getting married. The first step in the “marriage market” is when the young lady has officially had her “coming out” moment. In majority scenarios, a younger sister could not come out until her older ones were either engaged or already married. However, what determined whether or not a young lady was ready to come out was maturity. A young lady had to have a proper education, skills, and mindset before she could be presented to society as an available bachelorette (Clark). Once the parents determined she was old enough to “come out”, she was allowed to attend balls, assemblies, and dinner parties (Ray 114). Attending these such gatherings required only the latest dresses and hairstyles, wore the most extravagant pieces of jewelry, and was paraded around by her father or mother. She had to be the center of attention (Clark). The girl still had to have a chaperone looking out for her and accompanying her. (Ray 115). A young lady could not approach any man

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