
The Consequences Of Patriotism In A Civilized Society

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Objection 1. In a civilized society, government ratifies laws and endorses them while its citizens acknowledge them and follow them; even if the laws may be despotic. The love of one’s country should be a sign that they are one-hundred percent loyal to the cause, even if there may be bouts of moral violations. Patriotism has no grey areas in its ideologies. Socrates says that
You must either persuade [unjust law] or obey its orders, and endure in silence whatever [the law] instructs you to endure, and if it leads you into war to be wounded or killed, you must obey. To do so is right, and one must not give away or retreat or leave one’s post […] one must obey the commands of one’s city and country, or persuade it as to the nature of justice. (Plato 54)
In a polite society, it is mandatory to obey the law, no matter how bizarre or tyrannical. Therefore, obeying an unjust law is not immoral.
Obj 2. Further, if you are living in a state and taking are advantage of the benefits they offer (e.g. free education) then you are expected to abide by the laws or else there will be consequences; this cannot be a one-way street. Imagine treating your own parents poorly even though they were the ones who fed and clothed you. Socrates says that “once arrived at voting age and having observed the affairs of the city and us the laws, we proclaim that if we do not please him, he can take his possessions and go wherever he pleases” (Plato 54). Once a citizen reaches the age to exercise their

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