
The Consequences Of Rule Violations

Decent Essays

Consequences to rule Violations Consequences are a way for Weld members to hold one another accountable to the values. We feel these standards of living you will take with you throughout life after Weld. We feel that each rule has a reason and purpose that is solely for your safety and personal growth. Each member is an individual and so we feel that consequences are on an individual basis. There are three phases of consequences. A third violation within the same 30 days will result in the member being put on a contract automatically. Members cannot on more than one contract at a time. Each contract is for 30 days, half way through the 30 days the house may evaluate the contract and rate the situation. A member cannot be on more than two …show more content…

House manager will email and let know a Weld member of the rule violation and the decision made. Weld will document the violation in members file. II. Continuous violation of rules or multiple violations will result in a contract written by house manager and a Weld staff member. House manager will meet with Weld staff to discuss the situation, Members will have a a chance to speak with Weld staff prior to the contract being created. Member and Weld staff to discuss the situation to see what Weld can do to help member thrive within the house. A contract will be created with a new consequence and a written notification that this is a last chance contract and-and any violation of that contract and any and all other rules will result in a eviction decision will be made by Weld. The contract is a way to hold members accountable to living by the values and standards of Weld.. At that time We hope that honesty and transparency are demonstrated. We understand that not everyone has healthy coping skills or has never been held accountable for their actions in a manner that will increase integrity. Weld will always discuss the situation with the member and house member before any decision will be made. Each contract is valid for 30 days . A contract may include a fine, additional housework, increased participation of recovery activities, community service hours with Weld, etc. Consequences are not

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