
The Constitutional Basis Of Federalism

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Constitutional Basis of Federalism Loyalty to state governments during the Constitutional Era was so strong that the Constitution would have been defeated Central government was facing difficulties People were too dispersed and communication and transportation was not strong enough to allow governing from one location The Division of Power The Framers defined the powers of state and national governments Although they favored stronger national government, they still made the states have an important role Constitution guaranteed states equal representation in the Senate Made states responsible for both state and national elections Guaranteed that Congress couldn 't forbid the creation of new states by dividing old ones unless by the consent of the state governments Created obligations of national government to protect states against violence and invasion Supremacy clause: the clause in Article VI of the Constitution that makes the Constitution, national laws, and readies supreme over state laws as long as the national government is acting within its constitutional limits They stated the following 3 were supreme law of the land Constitution Laws of the national government Treaties Judges in every state had to obey the Constitution even if state laws or constitutions directly contradicted it Tenth Amendment: the constitutional amendment stating, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states

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