
The Consumption Of Westernized Diets

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In the world, more than two thirds of adults, about 68.8%, are considered to be obese (NIH, 2012). The consumption of westernized diets is something that is consuming the world itself. Throughout recent history the consumption food has become more and more of a dangerous act. The westernized diet often contains too many calories, sugars, and fats that people are ingesting daily. How is the constant consumption of this diet effecting everyday life? What are the changes internally that are causing disease and discomfort? If the consumption of the westernized diet is proven to be harmful, will that change the way that people perceive food? If proven to negatively impact physiological functions this knowledge may help the westernized culture …show more content…

It is no secret that eating a high fat westernized diet often leads to diabetes but, how does that happen? Diabetes mellitus is a disease that is often characterized by the prevalence of high blood sugar or hyperglycemia. This occurs when there is an excess of sugar or glucose in foods that are eaten frequently. If hyperglycemia continues for a long period of time it results in a defect of insulin secretion from the pancreas and an insufficient inulin action in muscle tissue. The ingestion of a westernized diet often overwhelms the internal mechanics working to maintain homeostasis in our body (Mayo Clinic, 2014). For this experiment students asked the question of what were the effects of a high-fat diet on the integrated physiology of male Sprague Dawley rats. They studied two groups of rats that were either feed a lean diet or a high fat westernized diet and used integrative physiology to see the effects that the westernized diet had on the rat’s physiological mechanisms and structures. Students hypothesized that the rats fed the high fat westernized diet would have a higher body weight, higher fat storage in the omental and peritoneal regions, higher liver weight, higher levels of glucose, increased insulin, a higher leptin content, and slower gut motility. To measure the weight of the rats, students collected the weight of both rats on the different diets. Students performed dissections on fresh rats to obtain all peritoneal and omental weight to determine if

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