
The Contribution of Patanjali's Yoga Suta

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The Contribution of Patanjali’s Yoga Suta

When we speak of Yoga the first thing in mind is the posture, the breaths, the exercise. Yoga is commonly associated with flexibility and its complex postures. It is also associated with breathing excercises and meditation. But this is not always the case. There is more to Yoga than just the exercise. For those who studied Indian Philosophy, Hinduism or Indian culture and history, Yoga is not just all those things; it is something more. So what is Yoga to begin with? The word yoga literally means ‘union’. Union in the sense of spiritual union of the individual soul with the Universal Soul. Yoga is “a Hindu theistic philosophy teaching the suppression of all activity of body, mind, and will in …show more content…

This is abstention from avarice. Aparigraha is neutralizing the desire to acquire and hoard wealth. This does not only apply on money but also to everything, material and immaterial things. Aparigraha also means “to take only what is necessary, and not to take advantage of a situation or act greedy.”
Following the Yama is Niyama. Unlike Yama, Niyama is the inner discipline and responsibilities. Niyama is considered as the duties to the self; culturing oneself. Like yama, there are also five Niyamas. The first of these Niyamas is shauca or purity. Purity or cleanliness is to be observed both in the outer (physical) and inner (spiritual) aspects. In the outer and physical aspect, one has to take care of his/her body and environment. Purity of the body entails one to take proper care of one’s health and condition. Eating healthy foods and not abusing the body are examples of proper care for the body. A clean surrounding also contributes to the purity of the body. The other aspect is the inner and spiritual aspect. Shauca in this aspect requires one to acquire pure thoughts and words. Next is santosha or contentment. This means the acceptance of things as they are. Throughout life’s troubles, one should find happiness and contentment. This brings peace in one’s life. And so, one needs to understand that he/she cannot have the best of both worlds. One should be happy with what he/she has, rather than being unhappy about what he/she

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