
The Controversial Administration: Warren G. Harding

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Beginning in 1921, a presidential administration would arise stirring infamous scandal and debate. The man in charge of these controversial terms would be Warren G. Harding. Born in Corsica, Ohio on November 2, 1865, Harding would grow up an all-American boy. His seemingly idyllic childhood and amicable demeanor would win him over many friends in his political life, and eventually presidency. Harding was inaugurated in 1920, shortly after the fatal World War. His policy promised Americans a “Return to Normalcy”. These words comforted a people who just suffered an unstable environment. What Americans receive is a scandalous cabinet that will eventually heighten the public’s suspicion and distrust towards their government. At age 14, Harding …show more content…

Even in his inaugural address he addresses the subject contending, “With the nation-wide induction of womanhood into our political life, we may count upon her intuitions, her refinements, her intelligence, and her influence to exalt the social order. We count upon her exercise of the full privileges and the performance of the duties of citizenship to speed the attainment of the highest state.” His wife, Florence, was an active suffragist with many ambitions. This wasn’t the only civil right Harding supported. Being a man of conviction, he wholly opposed racial discrimination and segregation, even publicly condemning it, which was an unpopular opinion in many areas. Among the changes Harding would make as president would be a virtual overhaul of the progressivism that was founded before him. Approving tax cuts on high incomes, enabling protective tariffs, and implementing limited immigration created a stark contrast from Wilson’s policies. He supported the Johnson Immigrant Quota Act of 1921. Catering to big business and the wealthy, he slashed their …show more content…

One well known incident is referred to as the “Teapot Dome Scandal”, when Albert B. Fall and Edwin C. Denby were secretly receiving bribes to allow leasing in Teapot Dome to oil companies. The oil they were leasing was restricted Naval Oil Reserves in Wyoming. Denby was cleared of all charges while one of his leasers, Sinclair spent six and a half years in prison. Another infamous display of impropriety was when Charles Forbes, chairman of the Bureau of Veterans' Affairs, pilfered 250 million dollars. Harding created the Bureau to help veterans from World War 1, Forbes was a former marine from World War 1 himself. Convicted of embezzlement, fined up to 100,00 dollars and sentenced a two year prison stay, Forbe’s dishonest actions hurt Harding’s good intentions and reputation more than it hurt him. Both of these scandals cause increasing restlessness and distrust in American citizens and took a toll on Harding’s health. He knew his mistake in selecting friends for cabinet members and remarked, “My...friends...they're the ones that keep me walking the floors at night!” Florence saw the mental and physical exasperation her husband was enduring and it was even speculated that she’d poisoned him so he wouldn’t have to witness the incoming dissatisfaction, though they are just speculations. Nonetheless, Harding went on to die

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