
The Controversy Of Legalizing Prostitution

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My group is doing the topic of legalizing prostitution. Throughout the course we talked briefly about prostitution, but it was clear that prostitution is not something that our elders would like us the new era to be ok with. In class we talked discussed how the slippery slope of morality. This is when you say yes to things that are not fully ok however they aren't too bad either this is where the slope begins. Then when you face other bad decisions you also say yes this is where it all starts going downhill, you lose sight of the bad that you are agreeing to. Next thing you know you have no problem saying yes to decisions you know are bad. When applying the slippery slope to legalizing prostitution you see that it is not a good idea to do it. …show more content…

I don't find legalizing prostitution too bad, there are several ways that it can have a positive effect on the country. If prostitution were to be legalized it would reduce the rate of kidnapping, several girls are kidnapped by people trying to make money because prostitution makes a lot of money. It would bring in a big amount of money to the economy worldwide prostitution brings in $186 billion. Countries with legal prostitution say that since legalizing prostitution the crime rates went down. I learned that there are a numerous amount of countries in the world that have prostitution legalized. While I don't find legalizing prostitution too bad I would not want my daughter to earn a living from having sexual intercourse. I believe that sexual intercourse is something that you do with a person you truly love. Sexual intercourse is just to make babies in the time we live sexual intercourse is done as a sort of pleasure. Some women have to become prostitutes because of what is going on in their lives. Women who are poor tend to become prostitutes because they are in desperate need for money, the quickest way to make money is to use something that they have and don't need to pay for to start making money. Homeless women and drug addicts also often resort to prostitution for a way to get quick cash to get back on their feet or to get their fix. In third world countries prostitution is the only way these women know. A large amount girls are being kidnapped at a young age and forced to be sex slaves against their will. Like everything in the world prostitution has its yin &

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