
Sold By Patricia Mccormick Analysis

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Sex Trafficking: Who Is To Blame?

Lakshmi was 13 years old when she was trafficked on the streets of Nepal. During teen years, she was abused and beaten many times. Not only that, but she went through the pain of being lied to and was sold to grown men. During her time working on the streets, she dealt with diseases and illnesses. The job she was being forced to do was called prostitution. In today's world, there are an estimated 42 million prostitutes in the world. Three quarters of that population include women ages 13 to 25. Some women are tricked and forced to be apart from this job. Others do it out of money needs. This topic, is not talked about much on news or media, but still is a serious for many reasons. Although some argue differently, …show more content…

For example, Laksmi, the main character of the book “Sold’’ by Patricia Mccormick, had dealt with the things most prostitutes had dealt with before. Along with being a victim of human trafficking, she had faced many problems including physical abuse. In the book, it says, “This Shanna leans close to and whispers to me, ‘It will go easier if you hold still.’ There is a slicing sound and a climb of my hair falls to the floor... Mumtaz draws back, the jaw of the scissors poised at my neck.’ Hold still’ she says. ‘Or I'll slice your throat’” This can clearly show the physical abuse she is going through. She was threatened to have her throat sliced as her hair was being cut off. This is an example of how these women are being treated. Along with the disrespect they are being treated, being threatened and looked at like animals. This will without a doubt leave scars on their mind bringing up more abuse including mental and emotional abuse. Also, most of the women turned into prostitutes, are under the age of 20. For example, Barbara Amaya’s Story was a good example of a young woman's life is like at the young age while in trafficking.” During my time on the streets of New York I was abused, shot, stabbed, raped, kidnapped, trafficked, beaten, addicted to drugs, jailed, and more all before I was 18 years old.” {AND} This shows the horrible things women go through when involved in this job. Not only did she go to jail, but she also received …show more content…

First, some argue saying that the government should not be able to make laws against women and their uses of their bodies. For example, a debate was started online on, arguing the legalization of prostitution. One man by the name of Nine Nathaniel 43, stated, “Prostitution should be legalized, so that willing women could make money. We waste money prosecuting men and women that are engaging in consensual sexual activity. They are not harming anyone. I also feel it would be safer for prostitutes. If prostitution were legal, then there wouldn't be a need for pimps, because women could market themselves, without fear of repercussions.” For this reason, I believe that prostitution would be much more dangerous for women involved in it. If pimps or traffickers were to realize that they no longer could earn money from a woman because she can go market herself, they will do their best to make sure she stays with him, involving more aggression and control from the trafficker. Along with this, some people make the statement that if prostitution were to be legalized in the United States, then rape and other crimes involving sex would decrease. For example, Kirby R. Cundiff, clearly stated that,” It is estimated that if prostitution were legalized in the United

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