
The Controversy Over Internet Censorship Essay

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The Controversy Over Internet Censorship

For many people, using the Internet has become practically a new way of life, especially for college students and the like. Various types of information can be accessed at the touch of a button: anything from encyclopedias, to surveys and essays, to articles from magazines, and adult sites. Anyone who pays for their Internet service is usually offered space for his or her own web page, and even many free services provide space for personal web pages. All of this available space can be used for any number of reasons: posting newsletters for community groups, advertising for businesses, or just voicing one’s opinion. For those of us who know how to use this information, or at least how …show more content…

Others feel that the government should step in and penalize anyone whose writings could be offensive. Many of these people have expressed their opinions on the Internet, and have made several good points.

Legislation on Internet Censorship In a statement made by Senator Leahy in January 1997 suggesting legislation to repeal the Internet Censorship Provisions of the Communications Decency Act. The Communications Decency Act penalizes anyone who sends inappropriate material to a minor, or posts these materials where a minor might see it, with two-year jail terms and large fines (Leahy, 2).

Senator Leahy states, “The first amendment to our Constitution expressly states that ‘Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech.’” Leahy also expresses his fears that other members of Congress may not realize that the people at risk of committing a felony under the CDA are not child pornographers, sex offenders, and purveyors of obscene material. Legislation has already been passed in order to prevent the distribution of these kinds of materials to minors (Leahy, 1). “Banning indecent material from the Internet is like using a meat cleaver to deal with the problems better addressed with a scalpel,” due to information assessed by one court estimating that “the percentage of Internet addresses providing sexually explicit content would be well less than one-tenth of 1

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