2016 saw the Republican National Convention July 18-21 in Cleveland, Ohio and one week later July 25-28, the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, PA. These conventions both had the fanfare of National Conventions of old and the added benefit of an economic increase to the local business and tourism industries in each of the areas. The venue also brought continued animosity, a media frenzy, protests. and boycotts that escalated on the road to each convention, continued through to the election and persisted to fulminate following the inauguration. There are a variety of factors that made the 2016 election path and conventions sui generis. The most salient thread for both sides was the deep rooted and incessant unpopularity of both …show more content…
The voter who will eventually continue to shape our country. Why did he not receive the nomination? Money, time, and the Democratic Machine of the party itself. On the other side of the aisle, we had a candidate that everyone either loved him, hated him, or thought “is this a joke?”. The candidate Trump was brash, unfiltered, unrelentless and did something that not many in our history have done. He gathered those with ideological values different from him. He angered or placed hope in the minds of voters that desperately needed and wanted a change. The platforms on both sides were similar from the past with the issues and the campaign promises generally being dissected and presented in a format of what the party can and will attempt to give to the public. The party platform is not the highlight of the convention. Generally, the platform is thrown out the window even before the convention begins. In 2012, the platform hit one of the lowest points in convention history. According to Speaker Boehner, “Have you ever met anybody who has read the platform?” (Ceaser, 2016.) The platform is more of a tradition. Platforms will probably not change an election. Platforms are the medium utilized to inform with the goal to strengthen the base. Each issue addressed in a
The changes between the parties have become more distinctive throughout the years. Some of these changes include preferences, behavior, increasing homogeneous districts, and increasing alignment between ideology and partisanship among voters.
The National Convention adopted a revolutionary calendar to replace the Gregorian Calendar on November 24, 1793. Despite people not wanting the calendar to change, the National Convention felt it needed to be changed because a new era had begun and they wanted to break away from the Roman Catholic Church. The responses of the people were not all good, some were bad given they did not want anything to
Next I will be reflecting upon this year Republican and Democrat Party nominating conventions. Providing information on how the 2016 conventions is different than previous years, along with evidence of any similarities of the two. In addition, provide details of any surprising scenes that occurred. Lastly, information will be provided on the most interesting scenes that occurred in both of the conventions.
The New American platform has mostly liberal views on domestic, economic and foreign policies. Therefore, it is forecasted to be most like Democratic parties versus the Republican parties. However, after we review and evaluate the three policies side by side, the final verdict will be made to which party is indeed more similar to the New American party.
The 1860 National Convention of the Republican Party of the United States, was held in Chicago, Illinois at the Wigwam Convention Center. The Chicago Wigwam was constructed as a convention hall and it was built near the corner of lake and market streets in Chicago. This exact area is where a popular hotel was built and burnt down a couple years before. The Wigwam Convention Hall was two stories high and it was 180 by 100 feet. It could hold thousands of convention goers. The cost of the wigwam was 5,000 dollars and many people said it looked like a huge barn. Despite this, inside it looked great with its color and shape designs, flags, and wreaths and with red white and blue colors decorated throughout the halls. The Wigwam Republican convention was located in Chicago. Chicago was voted as a neutral site as well as the best site for the convention. A strong case for this was because it was based on 3 things and they were: the new railroad transportation, new comfortable hotels and of course, it being a neutral territory. During this time, former Representative Abraham Lincoln of Illinois was nominated for President and Senator Hannibal Hamlin of Maine for Vice President. Lincoln presented himself as a man of the people. He had many careers after he moved to Illinois, some of them were, Captain of volunteers during the black hawk war, he was also a lawyer, and a store clerk. In 1846 he went on to win the election of us house of representative. He also had a couple of
“Make America Great Again,” the overarching theme of Presidential Candidate Donald Trump’s campaign brings to light the blunt arrogance of our beloved Donald J. Trump. Trump: a billionaire businessman, entrepreneur, and part time reality TV monkey, started his presidential run as of June 2015. He has, since his declaration of his run, been the frontrunner for the GOP Poll breaking out above the other candidates of Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz and many others by consistent double digits. His run so far has been filled with all things Americans lovingly refer to as in its entirety, Donald Trump: arrogance, controversial pursuits, and lack of explanation to anything he has planned. Though Trump himself has decades of experience with economics,
The two stories, The Democratic Platform and The Republican Platform is about two different topics that contain similarities and differences. A way that makes them similar is that both stories show that each parties had a problem occur. A few difference between the two stories was that in each story each political party resolved different problems occurring in America. The story The Democratic Platform portrayed the fact that the Democrats had a rough time in 1856.
The Democratic convention for the Election of 1860 was held from April 23rd to May 3rd at Charleston, South Carolina. During this convention there was a disagreement over the slavery policy, so some of the Southern delegates withdrew from the ballot. The party wasn’t able to nominate a candidate at this convention, therefore they held a second convention from June 18th to June 23rd in Baltimore, Maryland. At this second convention, the party nominated Stephen Arnold Douglas as president with Herschel Johnson as his vice president after they defeated John Breckinridge. Soon after, conflict arose so a large number of mostly Southern Democrats nominated John Cabell Breckinridge as their presidential candidate with Joseph Lane as his vice president. Douglas and Breckinridge ended up becoming the candidates for the Democratic party during the election.
Let’s get the most prominent and most talked about candidate out of the way, Donald Trump. I should first say that I am not a fan by any means. With this being said, I tried to watch the debates with an open mind and tried to look solely at his leadership style. I found Trump to be very defensive, childish, inappropriate, and all over the place. During the debates he loved to talk about how great he is; mentioning four times about his endorsements, about his great friends, and his wealth. Needless to say, he was not able to sway me. I will admit, Trump has extreme confidence. This is a great quality. However, he might just be too confident. It comes off as arrogant. Confidence is great to a certain degree, but it can also get you in trouble. He feels he is the best and everyone would listen to him because he is “Donald Trump”. He is so egotistical. There was one question asked about how Trump would order the military to target families of suspected terrorist after the military testifying the expansive use of torture is inexcusable and will refuse orders because they are illegal. His response: “They won’t refuse; they won’t refuse, believe me”.
The two parties have continued their 150 year long tug-of-war battle for dominance and over time have become symbols of American politics. It is nearly impossible to hold a political discussion without bringing up either or both of the parties or some prominent member thereof in reference to where they stand on the issue being discussed. A major
Looking back to the beginning of our country’s political parties, I found that the first party convention took place in Jackson, Michigan, on July 6, 1854. This was the party of Thomas Jefferson and it later became the Democratic Party.
The party platforms between democrats and republicans has always caused contention among them. Their values and beliefs is what sets them apart. Many argue that one party goes either too far to the left or too far to the right with viewpoints of governing. Platforms are very important when it comes to governing a country. Depending on what a candidate belief system the country will reap destruction or prosperity as result of whoever in charge.
differences between their parties and policies. Although there are similarities between the parties, they tend to be overshadowed by individual party ideologies. With so many fundamental differences between the parties, finding topics or issues upon which constituents agree upon can at times be somewhat difficult. Although there are chasms between the voting practices of the parties, there are also some fundamental similarities as well.
Impressionism takes the moment at hand and depicts it with light and color. George Seurat was influenced by Impressionism using modern subjects and urban leisure scenes. He used color characterizing of Impressionism but also made arrangements based on color theory. Seurat wanted to capture all the colors that interacted to make their own appearance which differed in thought to Impressionism of putting colors next to each other to create colors that blended optically. Seurat helped move Impressionism into Post-Impressionism by developing a systematic structured way of painting.
Unless you have been living under a rock for the past two years, the United States of America has an election coming up on the eighth of November. This campaign has gotten ugly. There has been fighting, rioting, accusations of improper conduct, and a whole heap of other things between the two political parties. Some people would argue that our country is divided more now than ever in history. On the Democratic side, you have Senator Hillary Clinton. She has the motivation of becoming America’s first female president. Over on the Republican side, you have Donald Trump, a billionaire, real-estate mogul, businessman. These two candidates have two very different backgrounds. Hillary Clinton has been in the political arena since 1976. She was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2001 and was appointed as the U.S. Secretary of State in 2009. Donald Trump, on the other hand, has never held any kind of political office. He got into real-estate in 1971 and has since then made the Trump name synonymous with real-estate development. With their backgrounds being as different as they are, their personalities are just as different.