
The Correlation Of Mental Health And Substance Use Disorder

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The Correlation of Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder
Just as complex as the trillions of cells that keep our bodies functioning are the effects and correlations of mental health and substance use disorders. The effect of substance use disorder and psychiatric illnesses impact individuals biologically, psychologically, and sociologically, however, the correlation among mental illnesses and substance use disorders are not clearly defined. Due to a lack of knowledge of substance use as a disorder and the correlation with mental health, the individuals who suffer from these conditions are marginalized and pushed to tattered edges of their social strata. Mental health and substance use disorder can create devastating effects on the individuals as well as their micro, meso, exo, and macrosystems, which perpetuate the negative effects and realities of these individuals. In our current times with the mass amount of substance use the plagues our society, and the continued high volume of mental health, it is critical that we gain an understanding of the correlation between mental health and substance use disorders to better treat and support those whose realties are filled with unknown pain and exile. Mental health and substance use disorder and their affects are clearly related, however, the question that remains is whether or not substance use disorders can create the manifestation of mental illnesses?
Mental Illness Mental illnesses are vast and far-reaching, and

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