
The Correlation Of Walking Capacity And Perception Of Fall With Activity & Participation Essay

Decent Essays

Int J Physiother 2015; 2(1) Page | 311
1Ms. Neelam Nayak
2Pranali Mahajan
1Ms. Neelam Nayak
MGM College of Physiotherapy,
Navi Mumbai, India.
Int J Physiother. Vol 2(1), 311-316, February (2015) ISSN: 2348 - 8336
Background: Mobility impairments seen after Stroke impact walking speed, endurance and balance. Almost all the individuals with Stroke have fear of fall. The physical impairments in balance and gait along with individual’s perception about his/her own abilities to maintain balance might have an impact on level of activity and participation in the community. The association of these variables with recovery of Stroke has been well studied. However, it is currently unknown which of these variables are most associated with activity and participation in the community. This study aimed to identify the correlation of walking capacity and perception of fall with activity & participation.
Methods: 30 Subjects were assessed for - walking capacity (6 minute walk test) & Self-efficacy for falls (Modified Falls Efficacy scale). Level of Activity Limitation (AL) & Participation Restriction (PR) was graded on validated ICF Measure of Participation and Activities. (IMPACT-S)
Results: Data was analyzed using Pearson 's correlation coefficient & regression model. Walking distance and Falls-efficacy is significantly correlated (r=-0.751 and -0.683, respectively) with Participation restriction. Walking distance correlated with Activity Limitation

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