
The Cost Of College Tuition

Decent Essays

The cost of college tuition is increasing exponentially ever year. Students have to pay for a number of things besides the tuition for inference books, dorms, fees, tutor, etc on top of their everyday living expenses. At this rate college tuition will be far beyond the reach for the average person. The inflation raises numerous of questions. If the recession is not getting better why do schools continue to increase tuition? What can be done so that the college tuition won’t be so far out of reach that the average person won’t get no higher education than a high school diploma.

In 1971 college tuition in Harvard increased for a second year in a row from $200-2,600 for the very first time in twenty-one years, which all the while was 13 …show more content…

If one applies for financial aid than that is wonderful because its free money, but one would have to qualify and one of the qualifications is low income. For those people who are not low income but still aren’t in a state in which they have wealth turn to loans. People apply for loans to help pay for their tuition, books, dorm, etc. and end up having to pay $30,000.00 in student loans after they graduate from college. If the tuition proceeds to increase than people will continue to borrow more and more money in which they’ll be paying off for the rest of their life. People are going into debt because their monthly student loan payment is too much and they are not making enough to pay it off. LA Times did an article which featured a man who have a wife and two children and owe $158,000.00 in student loans. The Man doesn’t have a nice enough job to pay off his loans and provide for his family. In the same article LA Times claimed that the amount of student loans expanded 76% or rather 1.2 trillion since 2009. According to the institute for college access and success site there was a two present growth rate from 2012 to 2013 from the graduates who were in debt after going to public and nonprofit colleges. Also 7 out 10 graduates from public and nonprofit colleges in 2013 ended up being in debt because of student loans. According to the presented site above New Hampshire’s average debt is $32,795 and state wide ranks #1 with a portion debt of 76%. If the

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