
The Creation Of Evil In Frankenstein And Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

Decent Essays

The Creation of Evil . The novel Frankenstein written by Mary Shelley explains many themes and characters throughout Victor's life and his creation of the monster. In addition, the movie Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein directed by Kenneth Branagh also does the same, but includes a couple twists. The novel first published in 1818, includes grammar and language from the 19th century. Written in an older type of English allows for the reader to have a rough, but a more in depth reading of the book. The movie made in 1994, uses more 20th century language and many filming techniques. Some actors of the movie include Robert De Niro, who acts as the monster, Helena Bonham Carter plays as Elizabeth and the director of the movie plays as Victor. Within both works they use different setting locations, for example the North Arctic Ocean, London, the University of Ingolstadt and others. Furthermore, the movie also uses these locations to keep the two in sync through the timeline and events. Both works provide many similarities when it comes to themes. For example, both show how society reacts to the monster, and the idea of revenge between Victor and his creation. To summarize the two, in 1794, in the Arctic Sea, Captain Robert Walton is a man obsessed to reach the North Pole, pushing his crew to exhaustion. In the movie, Walton's ship hits an iceberg and becomes stranded. In the novel Walton and his crew become stranded because the boat can no longer push through the ice; so the men

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