
The Evolution Of Youth Crime

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Youth crime has vastly changed compared to how it was seen 10 years ago, and will likely be much different 10 years from today. Over the years, types of crimes committed by youth have changed, and the overall seriousness of crimes has reduced over time as well (Carrington, 2013). These changes in crime statistics can vastly change how police agencies respond and react to youth crime, and can often be misconstrued to make public feel a state of moral panic. Youth are also becoming increasingly involved in gangs and gang violence, which is making police agencies think out of the box to prevent violent victimization of youths in gangs. Through the process of evolution of youth crime, it is imperative that police agencies remain vigilant, proactive, and aware of how they can intervene with at-risk youth and prevent them from becoming involved in criminal activities.

Seriousness and Exaggeration of Youth Crime Upon evaluation of four analyses and surveys used to evaluate the seriousness of crime between 1984 and 2011, it was evident that the crime has become less serious over the past years when applying the seriousness measurement scale from Statistics Canada (Carrington, 2013, p. 308). Examples of this scale include first-degree murder carrying a measure of 7,042 points on the scale, and the other end consisting of cannabis possession for 7 points (Carrington, 2013, p. 299). In between these values, Carrington points out that most crimes committed by youth are on the lower

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