
The Crisis Of The Great Depression

Better Essays

In late 2007, America was hit with the most significant blow to its finance sector since the Great Depression. Upon careful retrospection of the nations economic policy since the Great Depression, many discovered that slowly but surely, America had been setting itself up for the “perfect storm” all along. Without question, it was evident that due to deregulation, excessive accumulation of debt (especially in the form of over leveraging), greed, treacherous decision-making, and obscure practices between financial institutions, America’s economy was brought to a screeching halt. While facing the impending failure of the country’s powerhouse banks, the federal government was forced to intervene, saving some banks, while merging or leading others to their demise. Additionally, the United States Department of Treasury was faced with rectifying the lack of credit available to fuel commerce, both business and personal. After jump-starting the nations cash flow with government assistance packages, the government introduced reform to oversee and limit corporations that are deemed “too big to fail” hoping to ensure that no such economic downturn should arise in the future. From the well-heeled investment bankers on Wall Street to the laborious middle-class in rural America, every person felt the impact of the economic slump. The loss of investments, retirement funds, and jobs forced many to trade their traffic jammed morning commutes and bright futures for the long lines at the

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