
The Cumulative Prognosis Time Distribution For The Selected Signaling Pathways

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The cumulative prognosis time distribution for the selected signaling pathways are shown in Fig. 4. The later activation of the IL-10 pathway in the symptomatic subjects can be explained by the anti-inflammatory nature of IL-10 and…. Similarly, the fact that the DNA sensing pathway is quick to become anomalous is likely due to the initial detection of viral ssRNA by RIG-I (Pichlmair, et al., 2006). In fig. 5, we show further evidence of the pathway cascade, i.e., the fraction of the subjects that have k pathways out of 403 that are in alarm at a given time averaged over all symptomatic subjects. This graph suggests that the pathway cascade could permit a potentially very early diagnosis of influenza. For example, these results suggest that at least 25% of patients that become symptomatic could be identified in the first 16 hours of infection using a five alarm pathway. Discussion of pathway results The most likely pathway to go into alarm first in our experiment, based on the MSET results, was the cytosolic DNA sensing pathway. It was the first pathway to alarm in the cascade over 70% of the time. Influenza A does not generate dsDNA, but negative sense ssRNA (Pichlmair, et al., 2006). The cytosolic DNA sensing pathway is known to detect foreign dsDNA in the cell and upon detection of this exogenous DNA, production and maturation of cytokines and interferons initiates an immune response ( However, ssRNA can

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