
The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time - Original Writing

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The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time - Original Writing Christopher Boone is a fifteen year old boy with Asperger’s Syndrome. He knows a great deal about maths and has a very logical way of thinking. Christopher knows very little about human beings and their behaviour and gets very confused and frustrated by most conversations. He loves lists, timetables, patterns and the truth. He hates the colour yellow, because of custard, bananas and double yellow lines and he also hates the colour brown because of dirt, gravy and wood. One of the affects of his Asperger’s syndrome means Christopher also hates being touched. He has never gone further than the end of the road on his own, but when he …show more content…

The events that follow lead Christopher to the answers he is looking for in solving ‘The Curious Incident’ about Wellington and discovering his fathers secrets surrounding his mother. The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time is the story of Christopher’s roller coaster journey of mystery. He discovers the truth about his fathers reckless lies and searches for the answers to the secrets his father has hidden for so long. Screenplay The chapter I have chosen to adapt is when Christopher decides to go to Swindon train station to make a journey to London in search of his mother. As Christopher stands at the bottom of the concrete steps leading to the Stations entrance the audience can see fear in his face. He is wearing a pair of scruffy blue jeans, white trainers with blue laces, a red jumper and a navy parker style coat. He stands out from others around him as it is a warm summer afternoon and everyone is wearing shorts, skirts and summer outfits. He is a pale undersized boy with brown unkempt hair. Christopher looks up at the large white sign that says in bold black writing SW ND N RAIN ST TION Christopher frowns at the sign as there are clearly some letters missing we see that this bothers him. People are hurrying past him as he stands frozen with dread at having to climb the steps. He becomes very

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