
The Custom House

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Custom-House, in order to not only introduce his prior autobiographical writing, but describe how he came about creating his novel. In the Custom-House, the narrator works as a surveyor in the Salem Custom-House. He is surrounded by an aged group of workers, who pass time by sleeping and repeating various stories of their lives as sailors. The narrator, who believes his life and job are becoming rather frivolous, stumbles across a document that seemed to be untouched by humans for a large period of time. It was an “idle and rainy day” when Hawthorne discovered what he explains to be the Scarlet Letter. He is wandering through the second story of the Custom-House and finds himself in a large, barren room in which the run down walls are unfinished and the ceiling’s uncovered rafters …show more content…

He then shudders and lets the letter fall to the floor. Hawthorne does not realize there is yet another piece of paper that had been wrapped up inside the letter. The writings in this paper explains occurrences and past events of the life of a woman named Hester Prynne. Pue writes about how she lived her life as a voluntary nurse, carrying out as much good as possible in her life. As Hawthorne digs deeper into the documents he found, he discovers more stories of the woman, the author referring to the Scarlet Letter several times throughout his writings. Hawthorne lastly describes his feelings about what to do next with the package he found. He ponders over the stories of Hester Prynne, believing that the stories are the doorway to creating his own novel. He even elucidates how he felt as if Surveyor Pue’s ghost emphatically urged him to share the information with the public. Nathaniel Hawthorne eventually does share his information through his own words, in the novel he constructs, titled The Scarlet

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