The danger terrorism pose to the United States is popularly viewed to be far more dangerous than it actually is. Despite the statistics and facts, public fears persist at high levels which causes panic, lack of proper information and bad counterintelligence strategy which make the terrorist grow stronger.
Terrorism is an ever changing threat that can not be completely stopped and in order for all forms to
It cannot be denied that terrorism remains a serious problem but there is a strong argument that the United States government oversold the actual and potential risk and that the power and authority granted to
Many Americans do not understand the implication and role of terrorism in the modern world. Terrorism is not a something that can be measured or held in hand. It is a theoretical idea that has many different meanings to many different people (Aziz, 2014). U.S. Citizens in general need to understand the full effect of modern terrorism. Blinded by media coverage and dramatized by slow-motion video replay of terrorist attacks,
Today, domestic terrorism is one of the major threats to the national security of the US. Since 9/11, the US intelligence services and law enforcement agencies viewed international terrorism as the major threat to the public security of the US but the threat of domestic terrorism has been underestimated. At any rate, American law enforcement agencies conduct active campaigns to prevent international terrorism but domestic terrorism become a serious threat to the national security of the US. In such a way, the US needs to develop effective strategies to prevent the rise of domestic terrorism. Otherwise, the US may face a threat of the consistent growth of domestic terrorism as do some European countries, such as the UK, for instance. Therefore, law enforcement agencies should focus their attention on the prevention of domestic terrorism because, even though domestic terrorism is unseen, it may be even more dangerous than international terrorism. Domestic terrorists undermine the country from within, while international terrorists attack the US from the outside and the US can raise barriers to protect Americans from the foreign threat, while domestic terrorism needs effective work of law enforcement agencies nationwide. Therefore, domestic terrorism is a serious threat to the national security of the US and American law enforcement agencies along legislators and the public have to unite their efforts in the struggle against domestic terrorism.
When discussing terrorism, the groups which most frequently come to mind are those which operate either internationally or specifically in foreign countries, such as al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, Al Shabab. However, the United States has a number of domestic terror groups some well-organized, some loosely connected that have perpetrated serious attacks over the last few decades. Al-Qaeda's attacks on September 11th, 2001, and the subsequent wars born out of the United States' response to these attacks have meant that domestic terrorism is less widely discussed topic, this does not mean that domestic terrorist groups do not present a serious threat to the United States and its citizens. By examining known terrorist organizations within the United States and their classifications, it will be possible to demonstrate how and why the country has seen a rise in domestic terror over the last three decades, as well as some possible government responses to these groups that could help to prevent individuals from joining in the first place.
Americans have considered terrorism as a horror that occurs in other countries and not as a real threat to America itself. As the recent terrorist attacks on our nation shows, this opinion was gravely incorrect. There are several policies in both the private sector and our government, which contributed to our vulnerability to terrorism.
I do believe that domestic terrorism is still a treat within the United States because of the current violence against civilian population like black lives matter, the KKK or those that randomly attack our police officers. There attentions are to intimidate the everyday law bidding citizens in an attempt to their way of thinking our beliefs. “Homegrown terrorists are produced a number of ways. The first involves individuals who become radicalized by personal experiences. The second might involve a similar pat to radicalization, but it also involves some type of foreign connections.” (White 2014 p. 323) These are the ones that may have parents or other family members from another country and attempt to attack U.S. citizens. I believe that
In the past few decades, there have been various terrorist attacks throughout the world. Most importantly, countless acts of terrorism have been committed in the United States of America, that have gradually influenced the way the American security system and security at public buildings, public places, are run. Because of this act of terror, the American government has made protecting its citizens and country a top priority. These attacks, and the nation's response to them security-wise, still affect American's lives today physically and emotionally. Seeing that the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing, September 11, 2001, and the Boston Marathon Bombing have happened on American soil, they have forever changed the way the country deals
Terrorism has had a profound affect on the world, as it has inspired fear and despair in the hearts of millions of people. Specifically in the United States, where in certain circumstances U.S. citizens will carry out acts of terror to further their own cause. Domestic terrorism has taken roots in many aspects of society through certain ideological groups, radicalization through media, and by acts of terror that cause immense civil unrest.
In 1999 there was said to be a huge increase that focused on the terrorism in the United States ( Even though this focus was on terrorism in general, it was mainly focused on the domestic terrorist. Eight of the ten terrorist incidents were those domestic terrorisms that year in the United States. There were seven plots that were prevented by law enforcers this year and in 1998 there were twelve. The seven that occurred in 1999 were because of the Animal Liberation Front also known as ALF. All of these led to financial damages that ended up being more than three million dollars (
Lately, terrorism has picked up a worldwide character, which threats the enthusiasm of people, as well as extraordinarily impacts on public security, the stability of numerous states, paying little respect to their political framework and universal relations. In this way, domestic terrorism possesses not the last place in distinctive political arguments, and the development of the risk of domestic terrorism in the United States has showed up on the foundation of intense political issues, which are portrayed by dispersal of political, ethnic, and religious fanaticism, that exhibits a generous threat to the hobbies of the individual, society
Today the threat of terrorism is becoming more and more serious. Terrorism is considered the greatest threat against the safety of the world, and especially the USA, today. The extent of the terrorism has increased significantly over the last couple of years, since the terrorist attacks against the US on the 11th of September 2001. After these attacks former president of the US, George Bush declared a war against terrorism.
Preventing Terrorism in the United States is a hard thing to overcome, but the government is trying their best to control and prevent terrorist attacks from happening. “The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, were a turning point in American history and demonstrated that the government must have the authority necessary to defend against future attacks, including the right to use the best technology to intercept potentially conspiratorial communications (Jacobs and Newton 1). Having advanced technologies in the United States can prevent Terrorism from happening.
The rise of terrorism in the United States reveals one of the biggest challenges our nation faces today. Since the terrorist assault that occurred on September 11, 2001, the view on terrorism has changed radically across the world particularly in the United States. Clearly, it woke people up to that idea, and not just did concerns come up. Despite of the ascent in terrorism, securing our country has requested at a a huge concern for protection at different levels. Protecting the people from terrorist attacks is the most important thing right now, and is the reason why the Department of Homeland Security was developed; the future success of the Department of Homeland Security depends on the ability of agencies to cooperate, and share pertinent
Terrorism has continuously played a brutal role in frightening societies across the world. There are many nations that have faced horrible issues and continue to try to find a solution but to no avail, because terrorism still exists around the world. There are many questions that have still gone unanswered and many governments are finding some relief “with considerable assistance from anti-terrorism organizations (Fischer, 2002).”