The walls of Retalia rose skyward, nearly twice the size of the tallest building. The Ring, as we called it, glistened in the sunlight due to the silvery plates on it. The Ring surrounded our city of Retalia, a prosperous city with silver-plated skyscrapers. Although the city was beautiful and normally filled with cheer from the many holidays, this day was different. I woke up just like every other day, feeling elated to be in this city. I had the best school, technology and food. “Luke, breakfast is here!” my mother called as she picked up the delivery of toast, bacon, and eggs from the door. “It seems we’ve gotten a letter!” She said as she tore open the envelope. “Oh dear” My mother muttered as the smile melted off her face The …show more content…
Actual living grass! And animals, oh the animals! They were alive! But this joy did not last as we kept driving we saw the grass change color to light brown, the magnificent animals scarcer, and there were small groups of people with grim faces and saddened eyes. At each group we stopped and dropped off some people. Eventually only one other person was left with me. We were both dropped of at a group that, as I learned later, called themselves the outsiders. “Hello there!” said a bearded man. He spoke with an obviously faked cheer. “The names Logan” he said. Logan carried a large wooden pole with two curved pieces of metal at the top. The weapon was large and seemingly heavy, but his large hands and wide shoulder would probably be able to swing it with ease. “Im Chip.” Said another, smaller figure. Chip carried a long curved piece of wood with each end tied together with a string. He also had a pouch strapped around his waist with long pieces of wood that had feathers on one end and triangular rocks tied to the other. “H-Hi” I said “My names Luke and, if you don't mind me asking, what are those for?” I added, pointing towards their weapons. “Oh these? They’re for the beasts! Oh and you don't need to be so polite here, there ain't no rules!” Logan cheered. “B-beasts!?” The other kid exclaimed “What kind of beasts!?” “Now hold your horses kid, we’ll tell ya in a minute. First, we need y’er names.” “Grant” The other kid replied “Now I have two
Why are u here and what’s your name?” asks John. “My name is Sanger Rainsford of New York City, and I’m here because I fell off my yacht and ended up coming here,” says Rainsford. “How did u get out of the basement?” asks Rainsford. One name came out of Johns mouth,
The boy turned around. "You don't know who they are? Didn't your parents every teach you about the Survey Corps?"
Tim pointed at the tattoo. “He's a scout. They find new colonies for the Lawless to raid.”
I’ve been on the road since dawn, and my stomach feels nauseous. An excess of sugar coated carbs and caffeine are the culprits. Without checking the house number, I pull into the driveway of a charming cottage with a rose garden in the front yard. A woman with long, silver gray hair greets me. I roll down the window, and say, “I’m here to visit Malcolm.”
“I do.” Ulrich patted his calf, to which his knives were strapped. “You have your hand axe, I see.”
“, my fellow brothers how about whoever grabs it first can take it? Fighting each other won’t do us any good.” The pursuer feigned a smile.
“There has to be another way.” Walker sounds pissed. Swearing and shouting into his phone, poor Logan must be getting a killer headache.
were unloaded one by one. When we were all off of the train we were put in groups family
At the mere age of 3, I took my first steps into the big bustling city of Chicago. It was a warm sunny day at daycare and the caretakers let us go outside after lunch. Usually, an elementary school kid’s favorite time of the day is recess, but me, not so much.
A minute later, we were at the tree line, and after several more steps, we were out. There was a large field before us, a mostly lifeless one. The dark, damp soil was poorly concealed by thin brown stalks with shriveled leaves, long dead vegetation that was unable to survive the cold. A light covering of leaves seeped out a from the forest, the once bright colors faded and dull. The sky was overcast, the air cold, but the Risteen was behind us.
For the first time in weeks I had a corn tortilla. What was once commonplace had become a strong reminder of home. I thought to myself, “That’s odd…I haven’t had a tortilla in ages. Why don’t we have tortillas every night?” That’s when it hit me. Things weren’t the same. I was no longer at [deleted] High School with a fairly homogeneous crowd, living under my conservative parent’s roof. Instead, I was in a different place, with new people and
All the grass had long been scorched brown, and the sands felt like live coals to the feet. Evergreen trees wore a dusty coat of brown.”
“I brought a few things with me from the bedroom,” he explained conversationally, as if he wasn't slowly curling a finger into Cloud at that exact moment. “I thought they might come in handy.”
She studied him, her eyes running over his form. “The way you handled yourself with those men was particularly telling. You could have drawn your weapon, but you did not. You are either sure of yourself, or ... .”
The alarm clock buzzed loudly beside my ear. Feeling like a gong that was being hit repeatedly was placed right beside my head. I sluggishly pulled myself out of my bed and dragged myself to my closet. The words, first day of school moaned ghastly in my head. Summer was uneventful and school was just going to be hell. I picked out an old, worn out flannel and a pair of jeans to wear. Not rushing at all, I struggled to put the raggedy clothes on. They smelt like horrendous lies and rumors. Exactly what this state and my school are built on.