
The Day I Stepped On Gum Narrative

Satisfactory Essays

One day I was at school and I was at lunch and then the bell had rung for the next period I had stepped on gum. When Th I walk into gum and I had to clean it of my shoes and I couldn’t get it of my shoes. When I was walking the gum was all sticky. So I went to my last period class and i had asked to go the bathroom to try and get it of but It wouldn’t get of off my shoe. Then will I was walking home some people had asked what was that pink stuff at the bottom of your shoe I told them it was gum and they all laughed at me. Will i was walking home after school my mom had picked me up at the corner of the street and i was scared to tell her because my grandma was in the car and she would have gotten mad. When we went home I told my mom that i

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