
The Deadly Brazilian Spider

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A British woman is making headlines after finding a nest in her banana that she believes belongs to a dangerous species of spiders. Michaela Egan, 24, discovered a white nest in her Tesco bananas, but no sign of spiders anywhere. The fact that the spiders are likely playing hide and seek somewhere in her home, has the young woman horrified. A terrified Michaela went back to the supermarket who sold her the bananas. Employees of the local market sent the net-infested bananas for lab testing, The Mirror reports. The nest found in her bananas are believed to have been made from a Brazilian wandering spider or Phoneutria. These dangerous spiders are known to hide inside supermarket bananas. In 2010, the deadly Brazilian spider was added in the …show more content…

The deadly poison travels through your blood stream until it reaches the heart -- eventually you die of heart failure. And it's because of this, why Michaela probably won't be getting much sleep. Recently, Michaela spoke to the Romford Recorder and gave this statement. "I'm worried about the fact there could be a dangerous spider in my house!" She followed by saying, "My daughter is five and my son is one, along with our new puppy that eats anything shes finds on the floor and a cat." This is not the first time these venomous spiders were spotted in customer's bananas. Earlier this month, a family in Britain also had the same encounter with the Brazilian wandering spiders. The family had purchased a couple of bananas from the local market when they also spotted spider nests. Fortunetly, no one was attacked and the queen spider, is still on the loose hiding somewhere in the supermarket. The owner of the supermarket even expressed terror on how this type of spider is more dangerous than black widow spiders or even scorpions. The Brazilian wandering spiders originate from South America and tend to sneak into bananas before they are shipped to countries like the

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