
Australian Ringneck Research Paper

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The Australian Ringneck
The Australian ringneck's scientific name is Barnardius zonarius.

You will only find the Australian ringneck living in Australia. They are found in pairs or small groups in light timbered areas, open woodlands and tree-lined watercourses.

They look for most of their food on the ground, but they will also find food in trees and shrubs. The Australian ringneck will look for food in the morning and late afternoon. They will rest during the day when it is hot. They eat seeds, fruits, flowers, nectar, insects and insect larvae. They will also eat grain that they find along roads.

The Australian ringneck makes their nests in tree hollows and on rotting wood areas. The female Australian ringneck will sit on the eggs, and the male brings her food. The babies are fed by both parents.

They are losing their habitat to agriculture. …show more content…

The Australian King Parrot is found in several areas of Australia. They like to live in Australia's rainforests and the sclerophyll forests.

The Australian King Parrot is said to be the only parrot living in Australia that has a totally red head. The female Australian King Parrot looks much like the male except her head and breast are a beautiful green. The male and females belly is red, and their back is green. They have gorgeous green wings and tail. The Australian King parrot like to live in pairs or small groups. The Australian King parrot is 41 to 43cm long the they will weigh 212g.

You will find the Australian King Parrot high in the forest trees looking for fruit and seeds.

The Australian King Parrot puts their nest in a deep hollow in a tree trunk that is 10m off the ground. The female will lay her eggs in the hole on decayed wood-dust at 0.5m off the ground.

The Australian King Parrot numbers are increasing in suburbs that have a lot of trees. They will eat out of bird feeders in urban

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