
Burial Practices Of Neanderthal Usuals

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Throughout our lives, we have buried our dead. It is a normal process, embedded into our culture since, to what seems so to us at least, the beginning. However, we never thought to ask ourselves when actually this practice began. Also we never thought to ask if we were the only ones to entomb our dead in a ritualistic way. There is evidence of our distant cousins Homo neanderthalensis, or Neanderthal, exhibit similar burial practices that we do to this day. Neanderthal sites often have artifacts and possible different burial practices which can means that they have the ability to do ritualistic burials. They are one of the links that may play a huge role in understanding our past, and how our concept of death and the treatment of them began. The topic of burying the dead is a big subject being because it is proof of some higher thought in our ancestors. One of the major questions of human evolution is when we gained the ability to conduct more complex and advance thought. By understanding our past we can have a better understanding of our future. If we understood how our minds developed and formed we may be able to better predict where it is going or at the least understand how our brains came to be up until present day.
Neanderthals were able to do most tasks modern humans were able to do, i.e. make tools. There is even evidence of them caring for their elders and appear to be able to comprehend their own finite life (Schwarz 2014:18). That all being

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