
The Death Of Jim Loney Essay

Satisfactory Essays

“He’s not selfish at all. He just…hurts.” – The Fourth Voice (Welch, James. The Death of Jim Loney. Penguin, 2008. Print. 21.) My parents and family think that I trying to be pompous when I don’t talk to them. They think I’m selfish and keep everything to myself. They think I only do things for myself because I don’t want to help them out. They’re so wrong. I just know that opening up and interacting with people leads me to become a much less happy person.
“I’m not unintelligent… I have no reason to be smart anymore.” – Jim Loney (Welch, James. The Death of Jim Loney. Penguin, 2008. Print. 31.) I was sad when I read this. I like to think of myself as an intelligent person, but I don’t know what could send me down such a dark path that I no longer feel like I should bother being smart. Intelligence is a gift I have been blessed with and I just hope I never tae that for granted and throw it away.
“As he …show more content…

It must have been an accident.” – Ike
“I don’t know. I think it was, but I don’t know for sure.” – Jim Loney
“You mean you might have done it on purpose?” – Ike
“Yes.” – Jim Loney (Welch, James. The Death of Jim Loney. Penguin, 2008. Print. 130.) This quote made me realize how troubled of a man Jim Loney really was. How distorted must your reality be to kill a man and not even know if you did it on purpose. Loney knew he was not shooting at a bear, he knew it was a man, and he pulled the trigger. I felt bad for him, but he was a hazard to himself and others.
“This is what you wanted, he thought, and that was the last thought left to him.” – Narrator (Welch, James. The Death of Jim Loney. Penguin, 2008. Print. 158.) This is basically how I feel every night before I go to bed. The last thing I think about is the mistake I made last week, which I could have sworn was the right thing to do. The girl I’m talking to could not have been more upset with me, but I was certain I was doing the right thing, and doing something she would

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