
How Does Barhes Write The Death Of The Author

Decent Essays

In the French theorist’s Roland Barthes’s essay, “The Death of the Author,” he explores that reading is done through a lens of the authors life. According the, to read is to “comprehend the meaning of (written or printed matter) by mentally interpreting the characters or symbols of which it is composed.” Barthes argues that the reader spends to much time allowing the author’s identity to get in the way of comprehending the meaning of the ‘written or printed matter.’ He then goes on to say that reading is way more than just a means to use to judge the author. He proclaims that we stop thinking “the birth of the reader must be at the cost of the death of the author” (257). In other words, he means the only way we can understand a work of writing is to disregard “the authors, his person, his life, his taste, his passions” (254) because the readers should not use these things in a bias when interpreting a piece of writing. He does not want the reader to be blinded by what the think of the author.
Barthes says that we must disregard the essence of the author, I say we use it to further our interpretation of the piece of writing we are reading. While reading Barthes essay for the first time, I thought that what he said was obvious. I was saying to myself, “of course, I don’t care about the author life! I just care about what is written on this page.” I really did want to agree with Barthes, at first read, he made total sense. Ironically enough, while reading his

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