
The Death Penalty Is A Death Sentence For Society?

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A Death Sentence For Society Lethal injection, capital punishment, and death sentence are all terms used to describe the worst punishment of all, the death penalty. Out of all of the fifty states in America, the death penalty has been accepted as a legal correction in thirty-two of the states and is deemed normal in a multitude of different countries.It is typically used when a person commits a capital offense such as treason, espionage, and most often violent crimes such as murder. There have been an abundance of arguments pertaining the legality of death row and its effectiveness of preventing violent crimes from being committed. A large amount of people view capital punishment as an efficient way of ridding the world of criminals that endanger our society. To others, the idea of human judgement and persecution is just a poor excuse to execute those who pose as a threat to our world. With these two valid standpoints, it begins to peg the question: Should the death penalty be legal or illegal?

--- In the midst of the world’s chaos and evil, we should not propose to resolve our issues with repeating and justifying the crimes people have commit. When someone acts out in violence, resorting to violence will not fix the problem, but only encourage others to behave with such violent behavior. Because the government decides to praise and participate in the savage behavior of judicial murder, they are then choosing to set a tone of our society in which manslaughter is okay.

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