
The Debate Surrounding Global Climate Change Affects Millions Of People

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The debate surrounding global climate change affects millions of people. In fact, the rate at which our climate temperatures are changing due to greenhouse gas emissions is alarming. Carbon dioxide is the number one greenhouse gas emission that human beings so efficiently and effectively emit into the atmosphere. It 's all around us, all the time. Scouring our air, and our lungs. According to the data in a study done by the E.P.A. in 2013, Carbon Dioxide accounted for approximately 82 percent of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions from human activities. Warmer temperatures, depleting glacial ice sheets and increased ocean acidity are just a few of the growing concerns seen around the globe. But, nothing concerns scientists and engineers more …show more content…

So what is CCS? Essentially it 's a three stage process. First, carbon emissions are captured before or after they have been combusted (burnt) for an industrial purpose. Then, the gas is highly compressed into tanks or pipeline for transporting via underground pumps or transport truck. Finally, it is pumped, or injected into impermeable rock formations deep within the earth or ocean. Typically into depleted oil and gas fields no longer viable. It 's a process that 's been developing since the mid-1990 's and is currently deployed at various sites around the world. The first biggest CCS project ever commenced was in October of 2014 in Saskatchewan Canada, at the Boundary Dam power station. Currently, there are 22 major CCS projects in operation or under construction around the world as of 2015, according to the Global CCS Institute. Carbon capture and storage is in a race against time. The United Nations and International Energy Agency have determined that in order to avoid catastrophic changes in our climate patterns and ecosystems, we must reduce our greenhouse gas emissions annually at an unprecedented rate in order to avoid a 2 degree Celsius rise in global average temperatures by 2050. A rise that has become synonymous with the acceptable "safe" limit of a climate catastrophe threshold. To meet the 2 degree Celsius goal, the International Energy Agency says a minimum of 110 additional CCS projects at power plants and

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