
The Decolonization Of West Africa And Southeast Asia

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The colonization of many nations throughout the world has led to many issues and inevitably the process of decolonization. Beginning in the 15th century, European nations began to colonize many parts of Asia, and later, parts of Africa in the 19th century. The geographic regions of Southeast Asia and West Africa were heavily controlled by European nations. However, European countries have had to retreat their control of these regions, which allowed the nations in return to gain independence. The decolonization of West Africa and Southeast Asia are similar in that the two regions won independence from the same nations and the time period of gained autonomy was the same; however, the means of decolonization is what differed between these two regions. The decolonization of West Africa and Southeast Asia are similar in that the two regions won independence from the same nations and the time period of gained autonomy was the same. Colonization is the action or process of settling among and establishing control over the indigenous people of an area. Decolonization is the act of getting rid of a foreign nation’s presence in a colony. West Africa and Southeast Asia were popular regions to colonize to exploit the resources available in these regions, such as rubber and spices in Southeast Asia and gold and timber in West Africa. Most countries that colonized the two regions were Weste European super powers, mainly France, England, and the Netherlands. These nations could

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