
The Denial Of The Holocaust Is A Myth

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The Holocaust was the time when Hitler ordered the killing of innocent people in Europe. Thousands of Jews were killed just because they didn’t belong and no one wanted them in their homeland. They were tortured physically and mentally, and their lives were ruined. So why do people deny that the Holocaust even happened? Some people don’t know about the Holocaust, but some people today say that the Holocaust is a lie. People also say the number of Jews killed was exaggerated and the Holocaust is a myth. The question is Why? The percent of people who believe that the number of Jews killed in the Holocaust varies between age groups and religious groups. Hindus and Muslims were most likely to believe that the number of Holocaust deaths is exaggerated followed by Christians and Buddhists. 30% of all religions combined believe the Holocaust is a myth. “Holocaust denial has been called by some scholars the new antisemitism for it recycles many of the elements of pre-1945 antisemitism in a post-World War II context. (source)” People younger than 65 were more likely to believe that the Holocaust is a myth, and people over 65 were more likely to believe that the number of people killed in the Holocaust has been distorted. …show more content…

“One of the most notable anti-Semitic movements to develop over the past two decades has been an organized effort to deny the established history of Nazi Germany's extermination of six million Jews during the Holocaust” (source). In the United States they learned about the movement through ads in newspapers that called for a debate on the Holocaust. Some people even wrote on legitimate Holocaust websites false information. Others would put ads in the newspaper for their “fake”

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