
The Development Of Classical Sociological Theory On The Enlightenment And The Emerging Conditions Of Industrial Civilization

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Modernity, as described for the use in classical sociological theory is regarded as “founded on responses to the Enlightenment and the emerging conditions of industrial civilization. The founding figures of sociology developed theories that attempt to come to terms with emerging industrial conditions through scientific investigation, to criticize or interpret modern life, to reveal its intended and unintended consequences.” Classical theorists often defined the world they were living in, and what they expected to emerge, in the realm of sociology along with what is currently happening in today’s society. Along with this, theorists came to determine [or hypothesize] what the next years will be or what will become from the seemingly imperfect world. Karl Marx, Max Weber, Emile Durkheim, and Georg Simmel, although having differences in opinion, based on different times and ‘awareness’, focused on concern for the human condition. As discussed below, these theorists also have some very distinctive similarities and will be explained in detail. In particular, their ideas amount to what can be classified as a ‘diagnosis’ of modernity: what is happening; why it is happening; where will it take humanity; and in some cases where society should go. To start anywhere would be just as appropriate as starting with Karl Marx. Upon looking at Marx, it is important to analyze his arguably most important and well-known work, The German Ideology. The very first thing someone must do when

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