
The Differences Between Civil Litigation Procedure And Criminal Litigation Procedures

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The Differences between Civil Litigation Procedures and Criminal Litigation Procedures: Because the public has suffered as a result of a crime committed by an individual or group breaking the law, the United States brings criminal action and they are represented in court by a public official who is known as, as a district attorney, public prosecutor, or United States Attorney. The jurisdiction of each court affects the types of crimes that are presented there. Courts that have limited jurisdiction prosecute lesser crimes (misdemeanors) and courts of general jurisdiction try more serious offenses (felonies). In civil actions an individual or a group has caused harm to another and they go to court to seek compensation for the harm caused. The injured party is called the plaintiff and they ask the court to grant damages in the form of a monetary payment. Some jurisdictions allow for jury to hear the trial. If neither party requests a jury, the judge renders a judgment after hearing both sides. In civil actions, the party who brings in action must present a preponderance of evidence.
Steps in a Criminal Procedure:
Arrest: An individual files a complaint with law enforcement, the judge signs the warrant and law enforcement can then make an arrest. An officer can make an arrest if there is probable cause and a grand jury must be convened to determine whether to charge or indict the alleged criminal perpetrator.
Bail: After the accused is taken into custody, the court may

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