
The Differences Between Dementia And Alzheimer 's Disease

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When a lot of people think about dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, they usually use the two interchangeably and think they have to do with memory. It is true that they have to do with memory, but there are major differences between dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Misconceptions and lack of knowledge can lead to death or injury, which is why initiatives like Healthy People 2020 are so important. Dementias and Alzheimer’s affect a person’s daily life in many ways and it can be dangerous or deadly if not diagnosed and dealt with properly. It is important that there is an increase in people and their caregivers who are aware of the diagnosis and a decrease in preventable hospitalizations. Before explaining why this initiative is so important, it is necessary to explain the differences between dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Dementia is actually not a disease. It’s a bunch of symptoms and is seen more as an umbrella term ( ). It is generally used to describe the loss or decline of cognitive functioning to the point where it affects the person’s daily life. Dementia occurs in people who have diseases such as “ “ ( ). It is generally seen as an elder problem that develops as someone ages, but this is not necessarily true. Most people who have dementia or Alzheimer’s are 65 or older, but there is a type of dementia that affects younger people. This type is called Early-Onset Dementia (EOD) that affects people under 65 years, while 65 years and older would be Late-Onset Dementia

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