
The Digital Possession Of Human Since The 19th Century

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1. Publishing is the process of making information available and present to the public. Making things public or generally known has its impact on the society. When modes of publishing change, the communicative aspect of the society changes. Information flows differently in the respective time, and the movement has transformed the social interaction between people.

2. Not only the advancement of publishing text, but also imagery, and I will focus on photography. Photography is the common possession of human since the 19th century. The purposes of creating photographs are numerous. The distinctiveness of photo taking creates different meaning, which had its power to influence the society.

3. This essay will aim to identify and compare two publication technologies, which is the 18th century photography publishing technology, Daguerreotype, and generally used mobile camera phone in 21st century.

4. According to Kress and van Leeuwen (1990:23), “Viewing an image entails first and foremost, before anything else has happened, being located in a particular social way by and in relation to the image”. In terms of social relationship, photography is one of the semiotic resources that we use for communicating. In the past decades, photography acted in a role of recording the diversity of human behaviour, customs and lifestyle.

5. Photos were taken to record the family, social life and leisure or sports activities in the 19th century (Rouillé, 1987). Back in the 18s, photographic

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