
Essay about History of Photography

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Since its inception, photography has been used to capture moments in time all around the world. This wonderful technology has existed since ancient times, and has only improved in recent history, changing society in the process.

While we think of photography as a fairly modern invention, that is simply not true. In fact, there are documents on the underlying principle behind photography dating back to as early as the Fifth Century, B.C. The first recorded instance of a photographic image was found in 5th Century China. During that time, Chinese philosopher and scholar Mo-Ti described how light passing through a pinhole into a dark room created an inverted, full color image on the opposite wall. Mo-Ti the room he used to produce this …show more content…

The oldest surviving photogravure taken by Niepce dates back to 1827. This photo, titled “View through a window in Gras” took over eight hours of exposure to create, and even then, the image that was created was blurry and monochrome. After Niepce’s death, his business partner, French painter Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre continued to work on improving image quality and reducing exposure time. Eventually, Daguerre discovered a method that involved exposing the metal plate to mercury fumes. This method became known as the “daguerreotype.” Over the next several decades photography continued to improve, bringing it closer and closer to the art and science we know today.

While the original Daguerreotype started a massive surge on photography, two later inventions turned photography social phenomenon that became ingrained in our lives today. The first of these inventions is called the “calotype” process. invented in 1839 by William Henry Fox Talbot this method of photography involved exposing chemically treated paper, producing a “negative” that could be redeveloped. This allow for multiple copies of the same image to be printed, and is the predecessor to modern film photography. The next major breakthrough in the art of photography was the portable camera. Before its inception, most photos were taken using a large, cumbersome device that worked as a camera and darkroom for developing glass plates coated with a sticky collodion solution. (film photography was

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