
The Discoveries Of The Scientific Revolution

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Before the Scientific Revolution began to take shape around the year 1550, the world of science was exceedingly narrow and thought to be known. The scientific views of the pre-scientific revolution stem back even further than the popular Aristotelian era of science. Hippocrates contributed greatly to the field of science, especially in the field of medicine. It was during his years of medical studies that Hippocrates theorized the “Four Temperaments”. This theory hypothesized that there are four bodily fluids in a human that affect that human’s personality and behavior. The bodily fluids were blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm. These four temperaments were also to have been thought to be linked or associated with a vital force. If these bodily fluids, known as humors, became imbalanced then it is said to have an effect on a person’s mood, emotions, or behaviors. The vital force which was tied to these temperaments was said to be a type of force that had no connection to physical or chemical forces. This unknown force, although unnamed during its period of belief, was a philosophical principle known as Vitalism. Vitalism had been the belief and basis of scientific method for years before Hippocrates. Vitalism is the life-giving force that enables living organisms to function. It was thought that an organism contains a form of energy within which completes and animates it. Up until the start of the scientific revolution, vitalism had been the foundation of biological

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