
The Doctrine Of The Faith

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Mavrodes begins by stating the doctrine of the faith, which is that God is omnipotent (capable of anything). There has been attempts to refute the omnipotence of God by proposing things he cannot do. One example Mavrodes gives is the creation of a square circle.
In paragraph two Mavrodes goes on to highlight the counterarguments to these attempts by a St. Thomas. St. Thomas wanted to clarify that the “anything” that we refer to when we talk about God’s omnipotence should be, “construed to refer only to objects, actions, or states of affairs whose descriptions are not self-contradictory.” Thomas goes on to say that only things whose nonexistence might plausibly be attributed to a lack of power would fit under this category. Mavrodes …show more content…

Mavrodes now decides to state that despite this difference, the question of the stone is open to the same solution as the problem of the square circle. The question of the stone doesn’t work because it depends on asking whether God can perform a self-contradictory thing. The answer that he cannot do such a thing does not damage God’s doctrine of omnipotence.
Either God’s omnipotence is true, or he lacks such omnipotence. If we are to assume that he is not omnipotent, the problem of a stone too heavy for God to lift wouldn’t contradict itself. If we say that God is able or unable to create such a stone, his omnipotence may be in question. This too is no more than an assumption much like the one we started with. Mavrodes then questions whether or not the assumption of the omnipotence of God always leads to a reductio, when in fact, in may give us a feasible answer.
When one assumes that God is omnipotent, a stone too heavy to lift then becomes contradictory, as it then becomes what Mavrodes refers to as, “a stone which cannot be lifted by Him whose power is sufficient for lifting anything.” The stone this scenario describes contradicts itself and is entirely impossible, so we can check it at the door when it comes to questioning God’s omnipotence. Not being capable of logical existence, it’s failure to do so can’t be due to a lack in the power of God. It is the omnipotence of

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