
The Domains At The Progression Point 2

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5070 ESSAY The aim of this essay is to reflect on the personal development in one of the four domains at the progression point 2. The four domains of nursing care are professional values; communication and interpersonal skills; nursing practice and decision making; leadership, management and team working (NMC, 2016). These are the essential areas where student nurses have to improve their knowledge and skills prior to the nursing registration for improving the quality of nursing care that they provides afterwards (NMC, 2016). The chosen domain for this particular essay is the nursing practice and decision making, as the author had experienced an incident during the placement which is most …show more content…

When John told me about his pain, I informed my mentor, and then my mentor said he already had his oral analgesics one hour ago. As he was complaining pain all the time, I did the reassessment as my mentor said in order to generate a correct judgement. The reassessment which includes his vital signs and pain assessment were scoring high, which is a clear indication that he was in pain. Therefore, we informed the duty doctor and the doctor reviewed and changed the dose of his medication. The second stage of the Gibbs’ cycles is about the feelings(Bulman, 2013). I have mixed feelings and thoughts in my mind during that incident. Firstly, I did not believe completely what he said about his pain, as I have heard from some other staff in that department that he complains it all the time. However, John’s facial expression gave me a feeling that he was in pain. I was concerned about his pain and I decided to do something for that. At the same time I was quite worried about the challenging nature of nursing profession which demonstrates here, as we could not manage John’s pain even with the help of some analgesics. The third stage in the Gibbs’ cycle is writing about the positive and negative aspect of the incident (Bulman, 2013). The positive about the incident was when John mentioned about his pain, I informed my mentor immediately and performed the assessment. This showed my improvement in providing compassionate care with the respect (NMC,

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