
Miller And Miriam

Decent Essays

Humans have a natural tendency to criticize what they read, hear, or see. This tendency has allowed humans to grow intellectually as well as physically. A famous psychologist Ivan Pavlov once said, “Don't become a mere recorder of facts, but try to penetrate the mystery of their origin" (Pavlov). This quotation expresses the desire of truth that humans seek. The desire to penetrate the mystery of ones origin is the driving force behind literary criticism. Furthermore, critics use different techniques to unveil the mystery behind different stories. Specifically, psychological criticism can be used to unveil these mysteries. Psychological criticism can be defined in many different ways. However, the reason something is referred to as being psychological …show more content…

Miller and Miriam to the author Truman Capote. The double figure present in the story revolves around Mrs. Miller. Mrs. Miller represents a very lonely and sad personality and on the other hand Miriam brings out a complete opposite personality. Michael J. Larsen, author of Capote’s “Miriam” and the Literature of the double, observes that Miriam brings an almost magical and much needed ray of light into Mrs. Miller’s boring lifestyle (Larsen 53). At the begging of the story Mrs. Miller is described as lonely and plain, and as the story progresses Mrs. Miller become just the opposite. She strays away from her everyday life and almost begins a new. At one point in the story Mrs. Miller wakes up feeling better and she opens the window to discover a thawed, mild-as-spring day (Capote). These types of descriptive words can be interpreted as rejuvenating and refreshing. As the story progresses one finds that Miriam is more than just a little girl. Miriam begins to represent the side of Mrs. Miller that is suppressed (Larsen 53). At certain times in the story the reader comes to find Mrs. Miller fixed on Miriam. She seems as if Miriam is starting to control her life. One sees this when Mrs. Miller buys food in preparation for a guest or when she lets Miriam take the pin her late husband gave her. All of these little details show how much of a psychological effect Miriam truly has on Mrs. Miller. The result of this obsession is a woman who cannot grasp reality and realize who she really is. The representation of the double figure throughout the story helps us connect the characters and their characteristics to those

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