
Essay about The Dragon Can't Dance by Earl Lovelace

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The Dragon Can't Dance by Earl Lovelace The Dragon Can't Dance. The author,Earl Lovelace, allows even the non-indigenous reader to understand, to feel the physical and psychological realities of poverty-stricken Calvary Hill - every "sweet, twisting, hurting ache"(p. 133) - more intensely , more completely, through his use of paradox. Indeed, oxymorons pepper the pages of his novel, challenging our habits of thought and provoking us into seeking another sense or context in which these self-contradictions may be resolved into truths, truths that are clearly universal yet at the same time inseparable from the combined colour and squalor of post-World War II Trinidadian life.
Striking contradictions are employed most frequently in …show more content…

her eyes ... kindling a kind of active uncaring"(p. 114) toward him. Her physical beauty, "the rhythmic rise-fall of her buttocks, the tremulous up-downing of her behind"(p.151), will make him "hurt for her, for the taming of her" (p. 152), for years to come.
Graduating from the physical, however, that "up-downing, drop-rising" (p. 152) of her bottom, Aldrick will come to realize that "her very desirability placed her above ordinary desiring" (p. 229), the mere ownership which Guy intends, and it is at carnival that he first glimpses the future that they might share, how he might paradoxically "lose himself and gain himself in her, swirling away with her until together they disappeared into the self that she was calling back, calling forth" (p. 141). Echoing the Indian, Pariag, and Philo the Calypsonian, Aldrick begins to desire to simply live and love and grow, which is exactly why he has always loved Sylvia: her beauty was not a weapon, but a "declaration of a faith in life and a promise of life" (p. 228). He alone realizes the paradox that Sylvia is both "illuminated and doomed by that aura"(p. 229) of inner "sainted" beauty which Guy threatens to suppress by effectively sequestering her in a new home in Diego Martin.
Only through the use of paradox could Lovelace convey the full range of emotion between Sylvia and Aldrick, who both realize early on the spirituality of their love that blossomed like a mango rose against the unmitigating

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