
The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)

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The Drug Enforcement Administration, (DEA) which enforces narcotic laws. I will discuss some interesting parts of the DEA including the history of the DEA, responsibilities of the DEA, the problems the DEA face and how the DEA works together with other law enforcement branches. The DEA is the staple in drug prevention in and around the United States. They are specifically involved with the prevention of drug abuse and drug trafficking. The Drug Enforcement Administration is a United States Department of Justice Law Enforcement agency tasked with suppressing the sale of recreational drugs of abuse and enforcing the Controlled Substances Act of 1970.

The History of the Drug Enforcement Administration

The long, proud, and honorable tradition of the federal drug enforcement agency began in 1915 with the Bureau of Internal Revenue. In the decades to follow several federal agencies had drug law enforcement …show more content…

Currently, that number has risen to over 74 million. Behind these statistics are the stories of countless families, communities, and individuals adversely affected by drug abuse and drug …show more content…

The difference between funded and provisional state and local task forces is that the financial support for funded task forces is provided by DEA headquarters and includes additional resources for state and local overtime. Provisional task forces are supported by the operating budgets of DEA field division offices, without resources from DEA headquarters, and do not include state and local overtime. These task forces are staffed by over 1,100 DEA special agents and over 1,900 state and local police officers. Participating state and local officers are deputized to perform the same functions as DEA special

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