
The Dwarve Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Tolkien did a very good job of portraying the elves a good people,I know this because the dwarves and elves hate each other the elves give the dwarves a place to stay and food.The dwarves and elves hate each other because the elven king did not risk his army´s life when the dwarves got attacked by the dragon.Also the elven king Elrond reads the moon letters that are on the plan of the mountain, tells Thorin and Gandalf the magical properties of their swords which is that Biter (Thorin's sword) and Foe-Hammer (Gandalf´s sword ) glow blue when orcs or goblins are nearby, and he gives Gandalf a white horse.The elves are likeable people because they avoid war if possible and are always

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