
The Early Approach To Creation And Redemption. . 1. Creation

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THE EARLY APPROACH TO CREATION AND REDEMPTION. 1. Creation and redemption in the early Christian Church.. 2. Modern theology and creation and redemption.. II. THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD TO CREATION AND REDEMPTION The stronghold in the life of the believer 1. The relation of the order of creation to the order of redemption. 2. The original creation of God. 3. The new creation in Christ. Paul 's doctrine of the new creation appears to be centered in man. This anthropocentricity, though, is only because it really is Christocentric, centering in Christ the new man. The creation and the goal for which it is destined finds its ultimate expression in Christ and his new creation. Even as the original creation was anthropocentric, …show more content…

Both of these center on the individual to such an extent that man 's relation to creation is obscured.28 3. The unity of old and new in Christ. The third procedure is to recognize that the orders of creation and redemption are held together and function together within the purpose of God. "It is a view," as J. F. Johnson Asserts, "That neither opposes creation to redemption nor subsumes creation under redemption, but holds them in tandem under the lordship of Christ."29 This particular model was adopted by several of the Church fathers who fought against Gnosticism, notably Irenaeus, Augustine and Anselm. It appears to be the balance found in the writings of Paul. In 1Cor 8:6 Paul says that Christ is the one through whom God creates and redeems. CREATION AND REDEMPTION: A STUDY OF KINGDOM INTERPLAY 13 Romans 8:18-39, specifically vv. 18-21, asserts a similar view. There the Lordship of Christ over creation serves to attest to his lordship in redeeming man. Note the words of the apostle: For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be Compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him Who subjected it

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