
The Earth Charter : A Declaration Of Fundamental Principles

Decent Essays

The Earth Charter is a declaration of fundamental principles for building a safe, sustainable, and peaceful world. It strives to identify the critical challenges and choices facing humanity. The Earth Charter provides moral framework for the development of the emerging global civilization. It is designed to inspire people to have a new sense of global interdependence and shared responsibility for the well-being of the humanity, life, and future generations. It is an urgent call for major social and economic change as well as an expression of hope. The principles in the Earth Charter were developed over a decade long, world-wide, multi-cultural study on common goals and shared values.
The Earth Charter can also be viewed as a people’s treaty, because there was little interest among governments in negotiating new and stronger commitments regarding the environment and sustainable development. Thousands of individuals and several organizations from Africa, the Americas, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, and the Middle East participated in developing the Earth Charter. Forty- five Earth Charter national committees were formed. The Earth Charter dialogues were held in all regions of the world as well as on the internet. The project involved the most open and participatory consultation process ever conducted in connection with the creating this international document.
The ideas and values in the Earth Charter reflect the influence of a rich diversity of intellectual sources and

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