
The Earth In Trust Book Report

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Proceed at your own risk, since this gives awaya\ a great deal of the story.

There isn't anything new about this story of alien invasion and the powerful lust of aliens wanting the destruction of man, so they can take over the planet.

This book reminds me of a train moving away from a station platform. At first someone could run next to the train easily but as the train speeds up there comes a moment that the runner knows he can't possibly keep up and as the train speeds up he slows down, or at the last minute he jumps on for the ride.
I was that runner easily bored at the beginning of the book, and my mind outracing the slowness of the words, but towards the end, my every thought became fixated on this speeding target and the ride was insane. …show more content…

Their move was brilliantly planned, and never in doubt of failing.

When Tom confronts the alien who pretended to be his brother's friend, towards the end of the book, he states aren't going to give up the earth easily. The alien states, "look around Tom we've already taken over," which was true, he just didn't want to comprehend the reality.
I had chills for the invader's complete lack of empathy, and he states that humans are just as guilty since we have taken land from others in the past, and we are no better than they are. He states that it's in our human nature to greedily take from others what we feel like, but he doesn't care at all about the fate of humans.
Tom kills him, and even though it is a drop of water in a universe of oceans, I felt extreme happiness at his doing so.

Greed is a terrible thing in humans and aliens, and I guess the number one rule of the universe is if you got it then someone else will covet it and possibly take it from you.

I have two problems with this book and one is that there are a couple of crude sex scenes I could live without, but most people won't care about these at

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