
Earth First Research Paper

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It is pronounced that Earth First! Is a verb, not a noun therefore their tactical choices are always direct action (Earth First! Journal). Intelligence agents have drawn associations between these groups as they are organized non-hierarchically that have embrace the tactics of public demonstrations. With their structure being non-hierarchical they reject highly paid professional staff and a formal leadership method (Earth First! Journal). A form of public demonstrations that they are known for being tree sitting, but when that doesn’t stop them they tend to convey direct action. Direct action, meaning to them the personal, spiritual, and strategic efforts to defend the Earth (Earth First! Journal). Earth First! Is defined by action. They say …show more content…

Although several of the eco-terrorism have not been lethal, but wind-up being rather costly moreover quite numerous. Mostly all of their actions are seen as civil disobedience (Jarboe, 2002). Civil disobedience being deliberate, thought out act of conscience, even when decided on spontaneously. One of the features they are known for being monkeywrenching which is a step beyond civil disobedience. Although various individual members may be active users of monkeywrenching, it is stated that they are neither advocates nor condemns monkeywrenching officially (Earth First! Journal). This might just be a way to make sure that their journal and website don’t come to be shut down, but when you view the definition of monkeywrenching it sounds like they are an advocate for it since largely all of their acts fall under the category. Monkeywrenching is ecotage, eco-defense, billboard thieves, desurveying, road restoration, tree spiking, etc (Earth First! Journal). All of these terms are seen as unlawful sabotage of industrial extraction in addition to development equipment, which is a way of stopping what they assume is destroying the …show more content…

With mass media, they follow the collective action frames by targeting the problem then attacking with a form of direct action. This makes the viewers notice what going behind the walls of a company, whether there is animal testing or pollution it will be seen as problematic. Since they might not be able to persuade the law to help them, then aim to overcome it through some sort of action. Thus, Earth First! Uses framing to help identify their problem and then the solution to the problem. Identify the perpetrators by name next target them (Earth First! Journal). This is dualism where they try to persuade people to believe their actions are right since they understand that the declared perpetrators as hurting the environment. In doing so cause it to where witnessing somebody that is not worthy since they act against their ideologies then it makes their direct action justified. As if the dehumanization of their target causes somebody to believe it be okay that they are just ending up acting as cruel as their

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