
The Education For All Handicapped Children Act (Eha) Had

Decent Essays

The Education for all Handicapped Children Act (EHA) had an overall goal of desegregating disabled children in schools, as well as work on integrating them in classrooms with their non-disabled peers. Until the Civil Rights Movement, not much attention was brought to the fact that children with disabilities had very little rights and were kept isolated and not given a proper education, if any at all. Because of the attention brought to the poor and unjust treatment of children with disabilities and the significant court cases dealing with the fourteenth amendment such as Mills v. Board of Education of the District of Columbia, The EHA was passed in 1975. There were high hopes for this act, including keeping disabled students integrated …show more content…

Before the passing of the EHA, and soon to be IDEA, students who were previously excluded from the public education system are now being fully accepted and gaining the same educational experience that everyone deserves, positively impacting the lives of children with special needs as well their families, promising a bright future ahead (Special Education News, 2017).

The goal of the EHA was to integrate disabled students into the classroom in order to give them an equal opportunity for education, rather than keeping them isolated with no level of proper education. This is significant to the education field in that it ensures equal opportunities for all students despite any disabilities. By encouraging the integration of disabled students within the school system, additional help and services needed are provided, as well as individual evaluations for learning (Moody, 2012). Though life changing, the EHA had many flaws that impacted its overall effectiveness, which ultimately led to its modification to become the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) in 1990 (Special Education News, 2017). One of the biggest challenges faced after the implementation of the EHA was funding due to the fact that all public schools needed funding in order to carry out the integration of disabled students in regular classrooms.

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